Live Life Nova
It’s been a HUGE May and wer’e all about Live Life Nova in Perth.
To think it’s late enough in the year to call it mid-year, yet early enough to enjoy some down time before it’s all systems go again. Sheesh!
It’s been a busy busy May! We re-imaged our Casanovas, and our music features. More noticeably Nova’s Lunchtime Requests and 3pm Throwbacks.
And then there was the introduction of the Feel Good tagline that slowly started to filter its way into the workday.
Life Life Nova

The aim for this one was to make it sound nice, tight and bright. Too much trickery and jamming in of grabs means you over cook the end product.
I think we got the balance right. It made our music the hero. But i’d also like to know your thoughts on what you would have done…
Take a listen now how we build to create Live Life Nova!
If you’d like imaging with a bit of grunt that sounds epic, get in touch