Ash London Live | Radio Imaging Highlights
Radio Imaging Highlights hot off the press!
Can you believe we’ve already said goodbye to April? Time is flying faster each and every day!
It’s been a busy month with plenty of work in relation to Artist Intros and it hasn’t stopped there. Jumping into an earlier time slot across the Hit Network means plenty of exposure – so we’ve upped some bits and pieces to make the most of it. Plenty of promotional activity and cool stuff has kept this show the hottest thing since shawty had them apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur! Ok probably not.

Branded Intros as you would have probably gathered from previous blogs, are important, and there’s plenty of them this month! Utilising lyrics from the song itself has given some nice colour in what you’re about to hear.
Somewhere within this month’s radio imaging highlights you would have realised there was something out of the ordinary. Something BIG is about to land our way!
Creating that particular tease was very different to what I would generally produce, and boy was it bloody fun! We wanted to make some noise about our next big promotion, so out came the big bad theatrical sounds with a deeper and more suspenseful read – perfect!
And lucky last, some cool and colourful imaging for our Harry Styles tactic where we were offloading free tickets for his concert! The drum and bass with pop vocals sounds devine to the ear when done right and pitched correctly.
If you have any suggestions on what to feature on any upcoming blogs then give us a yell!